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What This Series Is All About.
This series is all about educating startup founders on how PR can help their business, what materials founders need and what founders should look for when embarking on any PR campaign.
This series will explore those traditional and not-so-traditional PR avenues so that founders can get the maximum exposure for their companies or brand. These secrets are ones that I have used with lots and lots of startups, professional athletes, and non-profits. Some of these secrets revolve around how traditional PR techniques, like the Press Release, can be used to maximize exposure while others deal with what is actually newsworthy.
Startups Need the Right Kind of PR.
Startups are unique in that they are trying to create a product or service that has not existed before. This makes getting PR a lot harder since traditional media channels may not fully understand how your company is going to change the world.
Even publications like TechCrunch and Fast Company are hard for startups to get into simply because there is always a lot of new and innovative companies clamoring for coverage. In some cases, even getting covered may not give you the kind of exposure you were looking for.
That’s why I wrote the 7 PR secrets every founder should know but are not told so that you can become educated as to how PR can help you grow your business. Join us below for the FREE series delivered right to your inbox.